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번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
100 2011) Nanomaterials for Energy Storage 전체관리자 6 2011-10-20  
99 2011) Vapor-Phase Fabrication of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin Films Using Molecular Layer Deposition - A New Nanotransfer Direct Printing Method 전체관리자 3 2011-10-19 파일명 : Abstract(성명모)+2011-10-19.doc
98 2011) Selective anionic polymerization for structure-controlled polymers --Stereospecificity, monomer-selectivity, and chemoselectivity-- 전체관리자 3 2011-10-05 파일명 : Abstract(Tatsuki+Kitayama)+2011-10-5.doc
97 2011) High Performance Flexible Inorganic Electronics for Biomedical Applications 전체관리자 8 2011-09-28  
96 2011) Better Chemistry Through Lab-on-a-Chip Microreactors 전체관리자 9 2011-09-22 파일명 : abstract(김동표)+2011-09-22.docx
95 2011) Carbon nanoelectronics ? The zero M resistivity and more 전체관리자 9 2011-09-15 파일명 : 0815-11+Colloquium+Abstract+YWPark.doc
94 2011) Recent Progress of Synthetic Method for Condensation Polymers and Development of Novel Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications 전체관리자 8 2011-09-01 파일명 : Abstract(Ueda)+2011-09-01.doc
93 2011) Porous Entities Based on Vinyl Precursors: Preparation and Mass Transfer Properties in Engineering Applications Probed by Experimental Techniques 전체관리자 7 2011-08-31 파일명 : Abstract(IvoNischang)+2011-08-31.pdf
92 2011) DNA packing in the capsid virus 전체관리자 7 2011-08-23 파일명 : abstract_FL_for_YunHee_Korea.docx
91 2011) 고분자 기반 의료용 생체재료의 최신 동향 전체관리자 9 2011-08-22 파일명 : Schedule+2011-08-22.docx